Leadership Mistakes

I Have No Time and Tons of Stress

Axel Meierhoefer asked: Does this sound familiar to you? In many of my consultations and coaching sessions, I hear people say this exact thing. Some claim that they don’t have any time to change or add any more tasks to their already overflowing list. Others say they are so stressed out as it is that […]

Leadership Mistakes

You as THE Authority Figure

anonymous asked: She stands at the front of the room exuding confidence. Your companion leans over and whispers, “Remember when she was just another newbie? We all started out together, and back then, she didn’t know any more than you or me, but look at her now!” And you have to admit, she seems born […]

Leadership Mistakes

The Manager as Coach

Andrew Wood asked: In my role as consultant, I am often asked whether all good managers are effective coaches and if so, does this lead to the opposite being true. To answer these questions with any great authority, it is important to define what is required of a manager when performing the role of coach. […]

Leadership Mistakes

40 Ways To Lead Like The Greats

David. A. Goldsmith asked: Solid leadership is a combination of instinct and education. It is born of the inherent versus environment precept. It is never all of one and none of another, but a balance. Great leaders carry a charisma: some of it inborn, some of it through the development of skills that bring with […]

Leadership Mistakes

A Man of Unity and Healing: Barak Obama on “a More Perfect Union”

Gita Saraydarian asked: Barak Obama’s speech on March 18th, 2008 will go down in history as one of the great speeches given in our time. I highly recommend hearing it or reading the text. His spiritual maturity is a shining light. He words carried depth and showed a person who is not afraid to tackle […]

Leadership Mistakes

How to Think More Clearly

Chris Farmer asked: The art of clear thinking is a learnable technique that will help you to sharpen your mind and allow you to cut through rhetoric and evaluate the reasoning (if any) behind the words. To initiate this process, I want to show you six common fallacies, which blur accurate analysis of ideas. Learn […]

Leadership Mistakes

Why Most Leadership Training Is A Waste Of Money And What You Can Do About It.

Wally Bock asked: A group of senior executives are finishing up a three-day program at a top leadership training center. They’ve already filled out evaluations of the courses they took and the instructors. Now they’re grading the facilities and meals. Soon they’ll be heading back home to see what work has piled up while they […]

Leadership Mistakes

Integrity First : Living the Honor Code in Business

Waldo Waldman asked: Integrity First. It’s core value #1 of the U.S. Air Force… embraced by our leadership, taught in our training programs, and a symbol of the commitment and character of the men and women serving our country. I learned a valuable lesson about the true meaning of integrity after only serving several years […]

Leadership Mistakes

The Mistake 95% of Marketers Make

Keith Walden asked: Okay, you join a network marketing business. You’ve got your company replicated website and it looks great. It has flash movies and has tons of bells and whistles. It even has a girl that walks across the screen and starts talking to you. You have auto responders, you have a dynamite back […]

Leadership Mistakes

5 Ships Needed to Take Your Church Into the Future

Bryan Cutshall asked: One of the most common mistakes made by leaders is changing courses to fast. A church is a lot like a ship. If you turn too fast, you will turn the boat over. The sea of life if full of sunken ships that would have survived if the leaders would have transitioned […]