Conflict Resolution

How to Make Mid Year Resolutions

Jeremy Nelms asked: o Mid-Year 2008! Like most people, you probably made several resolutions back in January, with hopes and aspirations of making 2008 your best year EVER! You were gung-ho for the first several weeks, maybe even the first several months. You were bound and determined to follow through on your goals this year; […]

Conflict Resolution

Dealing With Conflict In A Positive Way

Ronnie Nijmeh asked: It doesn’t matter how nice of a person you are or if you have the best intentions in the world, you are going to encounter conflict in your life. It’s just a fact of life! You can let conflict wear you down, make you feel bad, and even make you feel fearful, […]

Conflict Resolution

Simple Technique for Approaching Conflict Resolution

Laurie Wilhelm asked: Conflicts are a normal part of life. We interact with so many different people in so many different situations that we’re bound to run into difficulties. A conflict is a disagreement where those involved feel that they are somehow being threatened. It could be that they perceive a threat to their way […]

Conflict Resolution

Hostile Work Environments – Escalating Conflict and What you Can Do About it

Gayle Wiebe Oudeh and Nabil Oudeh asked: Not all conflict is negative. Conflict, when understood as a difference of wants, needs, or expectations, can be the catalyst for new discoveries, innovative collaborations, and unique solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. While conflict has the potential for promoting creativity and innovation, it is also a significant contributing […]

Conflict Resolution

5 Ways We Create Stress and Self-Sabotage

Janie Behr asked: Overreacting to stressful situations is a form of “self-sabotage” that causes emotional stress. Everyone experiences stress; sometimes the way we react to stress amounts to self-sabotage! We’ve all found ourselves impatient with people or taking our frustrations out on others, or causing unnecessary conflicts because stress is clouding our judgment. And while […]

Conflict Resolution

Do You Have Trouble Keeping Your Mouth Shut

Mark Webb asked: Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. If you answered yes to the title question I am sure you have realized the truth in this quote by Ambrose Bierce. In order to gain control over your tongue you must be determined to see […]

Conflict Resolution

The 5 Cs of Team-building

Akhil Shahani asked: “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” –Andrew Carnegie Running a company, even if it is a small business, needs a team of committed and capable employees […]

Conflict Resolution

Finding Time: Utilize Time Conflicts With Coworkers as Strategic Opportunities

Paula Eder asked: Finding time may seem to depend on full consensus between you and your coworkers. But probably differences exist between how you and they relate to punctuality, planning and procrastination. Sometimes these differences seem light years apart, threatening to stall progress on essential projects. However, you can learn how to utilize this to […]

Conflict Resolution

Learning How To Fight

David Butler asked: Single Christians who want to be in a long lasting romantic/dating relationship need to learn how to fight, if that relationship is to survive. I know that sounds like crazy advice, but the top reason why both dating and married couples breakup is precisely that they don’t know how to argue and […]

Conflict Resolution

Know Your Conflict Style

Maggie Kline asked: All expert communicators have strategies for dealing with conflict. Their goal isn’t to eliminate conflict but to deal with it so that the result is growth and constructive solutions. We all have our own ways of dealing with conflict, our own styles of handling difficult situations. How do you manage conflict to […]