Conflict Resolution

Do You Have Trouble Keeping Your Mouth Shut

Mark Webb asked: Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. If you answered yes to the title question I am sure you have realized the truth in this quote by Ambrose Bierce. In order to gain control over your tongue you must be determined to see […]

Conflict Resolution

What are Ten Signs of a Health Relationship That You Must Look Out for When You are Making Up With Your Ex?

dhlim88 asked: What are ten signs of a health relationship that you must look out for when you are making up with your Ex?         “My parents had a very good relationship,” I often hear my clients say. “What do you mean by good?” I ask. “They didn’t fight. They spent a […]

Conflict Resolution

Marital Conflict: Turning Arguments Into Opportunities

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. asked: Once an argument has been settled, it’s human nature to tuck it away in the back of your mind so you never have to revisit it again. After all, why would you want to stir up all those negative feelings associated with the argument? It’s easy to think that only a […]

Conflict Resolution

How are We Going to Have the Conflict Resolution in the Romantic Relationship?

dhlim88 asked: How are we going to have the conflict resolution in the romantic relationship?         The conflicts are so prevalent and occur everywhere in the world, whether we are at work in the office, marketplace, schools, working places, etc. I understand that they are inevitable to be happened onto us, nevertheless, […]