Communicating as a Leader

5 Powerful Interpersonal Communication Skill Secrets

Peter Murphy asked: Having good interpersonal communication skill is a combination of being able to say what you mean clearly and concisely, and being able to take on board opinions of others and adapt what you say accordingly, as well as making them feel they can speak freely. To do that, you have got to […]

Leadership Mistakes

Overcoming Apathy With the Power of Choice

David Byrd asked: Our choices can make or break us. We either enjoy the benefits or suffer the consequences of our choices. In fact, our lives represent the cumulative impact of the choices we make.   Through experience, I have discovered that the power of choice is more defined by level of awareness than by […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Management Tips: the Simple Performance Review

Ed Oakley asked:   For some reason, managers very often struggle with conducting performance reviews that yield results. Many managers actually dread conducting performance reviews. Likewise, many employees struggle to get excited for a performance review, and most tell us that they leave the review feeling like their time was wasted. When the majority of […]

Traits of a Leader

Japan's Generation Z: a Gender-neutral Japan?

Atsushi Miura asked: In 2007 I was commissioned by Standard Advertising to conduct a nation-wide survey of young Japanese between the ages of 15 and 22; the members of Japan’s Generation Z. No result surprised me more than the evidence of radical changes in the genders’ attitudes. When I was in elementary, junior high and […]

Problem Solving

Persuasion in Society: Giving What People Want

Michael Lee asked: Persuasion in society has been existent since the very first relationships were built. Persuasion has had a huge role in forming groups and developing collective ideas and attitudes. Its role will continue to influence future societies, as well, based on the united understanding of individuals. Persuasion in society can make or break […]

Feedback and Rewards

How to Master Motivation, Release the Desire to Perform and Have Your Employees Bursting With Enthusiasm!

Jan Springthorpe asked: Do you use the carrot and stick method of motivation? Do your employees feel like donkeys? If we asked your staff how motivated they feel would they say:  fantastic!  not bad actually  I’m only here for the money  you must be joking! Do the managers in your organisation […]

Feedback and Rewards

Five Ways to Gain Self – Knowledge – Key to Success

Andrew Cox asked: Accurate self knowledge is the key to successful relationships. Notice the use of accurate? Who you think you are and who others think you are is often very different. The closer our understanding of our own behaviors, attitudes and personal skills is to how others perceive us, the better our chances for […]

Transformational Leadership

Four Things You Can Do to Minimize Conflict in the Workplace

Shelley Holmes asked: d these four insights into conflict and you may not need to feel that conflict is actually spelled disaster! No Two Persons Think Alike. This diversity in ways of thinking and approaching situations is what is needed for a well-rounded team. Unfortunately, this very diversity that teams so need, is what causes […]

Women in Leadership

5 Simple Steps to a Super Attitude

Inez Ng asked: />Lately I’ve been on a binge of reading leadership books, and I have just finished “Today Matters” by John C. Maxwell. In the book, he talks about the 12 daily practices that anyone can adopt to guarantee success, and the very first practice he discusses is choosing the right attitude daily. If […]