Women in Leadership

Why is the Ukraine in Such a State?

Terrence Aubrey asked: The Ukraine is a country in trouble. It is a country of huge natural and human resources that seems lost. Whilst the politicians argue and fight the country seems as a boat in a storm without a captain. Can this great country find a way forward? I should first confess to having […]

Leadership Mistakes

Overcoming Apathy With the Power of Choice

David Byrd asked: Our choices can make or break us. We either enjoy the benefits or suffer the consequences of our choices. In fact, our lives represent the cumulative impact of the choices we make.   Through experience, I have discovered that the power of choice is more defined by level of awareness than by […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Here is a Method That is Helping New Managers to Delight Their Staff

Andrew Rondeau asked: The success of an organisation does not solely depend on management but on the work of its staff as well. An employee that enjoys his or her position and feels rewarded by their efforts will ultimately be the most successful in their careers and the most beneficial to the company. There is […]

Traits of a Leader

Which is the Most Important Trait of a Leader

Akhil Shahani asked: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. – John C. Maxwell. Have you ever wondered about what makes a good leader? Why is it that some people can inspire others to greater heights of achievement while the rest leave them cold? Are there any […]