Leadership Styles

The "Right" Approach to Running an Organization

Carl Hoffman asked: In my last edition of leadership we dealt with selection of leadership style, based on individual and organizational variables. Another way to look at leadership is to consider how it is used. We will now explore the leader’s selection of the “right” approach to running an organization. One way to deal with […]

Feedback and Rewards

Franchising Tip: Motivate Your Employees!

Samantha McCartney asked: Buying a franchise is a great way to become a business owner. In becoming a business owner you will have to learn and practice many different skills to be successful versus just being an employee. In reality you will most likely be transitioning from an employee to an owner/manager. This may actually […]

Traits of a Leader

Is the Organization Managed or Led?©

William Truax asked: This is a really important question these days since the understanding of management and leadership has gotten so distorted that the terms are used synonymously. The result is that most managers think they are leaders when they definitely are not. So what is the difference and why is it important? There is […]

Communicating as a Leader

Business Leadership- Qualities of a Good Leader

Sridhar asked: A leader in any field has to set an example to others, more so in business, he has to be a role model. He should inspire confidence in others. He should be cool and unflinching in a crisis. A leader should be supremely self confident. He should be able to recognize the talent […]

Non Standard Leadership Techniques

Toddler Toys That Encourage Climbing and Crawling

Chris Peace asked: Physical development in toddlers is vital for their growth. This kind of development can only be received through physical activities like climbing, crawling, running etc. Activities like climbing come naturally to a toddler and you will find that your child quite enjoys this activity. Unfortunately regular toddler toys do not cater to […]