Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Maximizing Performance of Six Sigma Implementation Team Members

Tony Jacowski asked: Well, if the experts are to be believed, then all businesses need to do is concentrate on the basics i.e. training, change management, and peer support and guidance. For better understanding, let us discuss each one of these individually. Theoretical and Practical Training Although only the most talented and skilled employees are […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Value Management In Construction

Joann Cheong asked: The construction industry is one of the leading and continuously growing industries in the country nowadays. But there may have something missing to keep it always on the top-Value Management. Generally, Value Management is a method of management particularly dedicated to motivating people, developing skills, and promoting synergies and improvement with the […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Management Training Dublin: Focus on Developing Business Leaders

sheila Mulrennan asked: Businesses need to evolve to the ever changing landscape of the marketplace. Managers must be able to meet the demands of change in their respective industries. This is an often overlooked role of management training. Dublin-based training institutions abound offering certificate and diploma courses in various fields of management. By availing of […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

An Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard Management Framework

Activestrategy asked: The Balanced Scorecard – Origins in Total Quality Management In the late 1980s, vast numbers of companies were rapidly adopting Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, yet many of these organizations found themselves struggling to tie TQM to their bottom-line results, because TQM efforts tended to focus on isolated improvement projects that too often […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

World’s Largest Business Federation Will Manage Learning and Talent With Sumtotal ‘resultsondemand’

Sumtotal Systems asked: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce selected SumTotal® Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUMT), a global provider of talent and learning management solutions, to build an online university for approximately 500 Chamber employees across the United States. The online university will be an easily accessible portal for employees to find information related to professional development, […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Change Management in the Workplace

Shaun Akid asked: Change Management is an organised, systematic application of the knowledge, tools, and resources of change that provides organisations with a key process to achieve their business strategy. Change Management is a critical part of any project that leads, manages and enables people to accept new processes, technologies, systems structures and values. Change […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Sumtotal's Employee Performance Management Software – Live Demo – Free

Sumtotal Systems asked: Join for a live demo – FREE. Discover how you can put SumTotal employee performance management automation to work in your organization — and improve your organization’s business performance. * Goal Management – cascade corporate goals for business success * Performance Appraisals – Reduce administrative time and costs * Multi-Rater/360 Feedback – […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

The 3 Crucial Steps to Performing Due Diligence on Any Network Marketing Opportunity

Michael Hutchins asked: O.k., you have discovered the PERFECT network marketing opportunity! A distributor for the company has proudly exhorted all the benefits of getting involved, and visions of dollar signs are dancing in your head. But WHOA, hold on, did you perform these 3 crucial steps of due diligence BEFORE jumping in head first? […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

How to Evaluate the Impact of Management Training and Development

Developing People asked: In 1959, Kirkpatrick first outlined four levels of training evaluation: · Reactions – ‘liking or feelings for a programme’. · Learning – ‘principles, facts etc absorbed by the participants. · Behaviour – ‘using learning on the job’. · Results – ‘increased production, reduced cost’s etc’. Clearly an organisation would not invest in […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

Implementing Intellectual Asset Management Program for the Enterprise

Chris Jones asked: Intellectual asset management is a structured and disciplined approach for turning ideas and knowledge into intellectual property and revenues. Implementing an intellectual asset management program requires a process driven approach. A process is “a sequence of activities that take an input and produce an output. In business, a process is supposed to […]