Communicating as a Leader

A Successful Community

Samuel Bryant asked: A successful community is where everyone has the opportunity to be understood and everyone is protected from crime.  There needs to be leaders that are honest in what they say and do.  The leaders of a successful community must not be in denial of the truth and they must never turn themselves […]

Feedback and Rewards

Team Building Disciplines: to Inspire Motivated and Results Oriented Teams

Bob Urichuck asked: leader, are you inspiring, motivated and results oriented? Maybe you are because you love what you are doing because you are doing what you want to be doing – Team Building. Somewhere along the way you made a decision, you took control of the things under your control, got to know yourself, […]

Conflict Resolution

Diffusing Anger or Feeding the Flames

Margaret Paul, Ph.d. asked: Have you ever had an argument with someone – a partner, spouse, close friend, child, parent or other relative, or a business associate – that started small and spiraled into an intense conflict? Have you ever scratched your head, wondering how it got so out of control? Let’s take a look […]

Leadership Mistakes

Leadership Excellence: Retaining the Best People Requires a Foundation of Trust

Jay Gordon Cone asked: We accept that trust is a key enabler of efficient and productive working relationships. We’re less sure about what it means to say we trust someone and even more perplexed by what it takes to engender trust. Let’s call the moment of trust that point in time when you have to […]


How to Create a Mindset for Success

Paul Sutherland asked: Are your relationships less than satisfying? Do you have a job that pays the bills, but you want a career that you can enjoy for a lifetime? Would you like to lose some weight and get fit, but you do not have the willpower to stick with a program? Would you like […]

Transformational Leadership

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence Skill-building

Byron Stock asked: Significant benefits in the three categories of decision-making, relationships, and health can be gained by increasing your Emotional Intelligence skills. Every behavior, every action and reaction, every situation you may encounter is impacted by the decisions you make, your relationships and your physical well-being. They apply to your family relationships as well […]

Micro Management

Moving from 'Chiefs' and 'Indians' Management

Martin Haworth asked: I’ve ummed and ahhed about the title for this topic, not wanting to cause offence. So if I do, I don’t mean to – the term “Chiefs and Indians” is a metaphor, not a culture statement, so bear with me, it will become clear. In many, if not most, business cultures, we […]

Leadership Mistakes

When the Game is Fun, the Goals Get Done

Mark Ford asked: When I wrote recently about the Top 10 Qualities of Your Next Winning Goal, I never expected to hear so much feedback about quality #1 – FUN. “Goals should be fun?” some of you asked. And, “what’s all this talk about a game?” People were both surprised and delighted to see that […]