Pamela Grow asked: In my position working in programming for one of the country’s major foundations, I reviewed many many grant proposals. And, while I loved the opportunity to become acquainted with the regions many nonprofit organizations, I was also dismayed by how dry and tedious so many of the proposals seeking funding were. It […]
Category: Uncategorized
Jim Ewan asked: Of course, it’s not just you. Virtually everyone is petrified at the very thought of speaking in front of a group of their fellow human beings. Which means that this fear is natural. The human race is terrified of its own kind. Why should this be? The answer to that question lies […]
Laura Adams asked: As you progress in your career and take on leadership roles, you must be able to speak comfortably and with confidence in public. For some of us public speaking is as natural as breathing. And for others its met with more trepidation than jumping out of an airplane. Whether you need to […]
Kevino More asked: Well Will you dare to dream? Or will you sacrifice your dreams on the alter of common sense? The common sense taught to you over the years first by your teachers, then your parents and finally your friends. The one difining factor that separates the achievers from the plodders is a dream. […]
Chris Wells asked: College years are the best, the most remarkable and fun days of our lives, therefore we should spend them in the way that can make them remarkable and fun. Doing this, we must not forget that the key aim of us being here is studying; getting necessary skills to proceed with work […]
Top 10 Public Speaking Skills
Kevin Sinclair asked: Is there anything more terrifying than facing an audience of strangers and knowing you have to deliver an entertaining and informative speech? OK, some people thrive on this type of challenge! But the vast majority of us are at least a little nervous every time we have to speak publicly. In fact, […]
Stephanie Elms asked: For some, sitting down and composing a quick, perfectly said speech is second nature. And what about those that don’t even compose ahead of time but rather stand up and give an academy award winning performance impromptu? If you are either of these then I commend you and wish I had your […]
Paul Dubsky asked: The probability of a specific outcome and presumption that the outcome result is measured in terms of the odds is fine providing the odds are the true odds. The odds are numbers designed to show, what the speculator will receive for his outlay when betting on a certain event. It does not […]
Kurt Mortensen asked: More than anything else, passion recruits the hearts and minds of your audience. When the audience can sense your passion and heartfelt conviction for your cause or product – they emotionally jump on board. We love people who are excited, animated, and full of passion. There is a difference between charisma and […]
Fear and the Success Mindset
Anthony Mora asked: Generally I write about public relations and marketing, about tools that can help build a successful business. But you can have the best tools available and if your approach or mindset is skewed, you’ll never reach your goal.  During tough economic times, fear is omnipresent and we can either give into it, or […]