Traits of a Leader

"mr.r.always a Step Ahead" – an Entrepreneural Case Story

Mrs.Thamaraiselvi asked: MR.R…….. Always a step ahead! Submitted by Ms.R.Thamaraiselvi MR.R…….. Always a step ahead! Case Summary Coimbatore, the entrepreneurial belt in South India has breaded numerous entrepreneurs during the decades. One such individual was identified to develop into a case. “Mr.R……Always a step ahead!” brings out the real life experience, efforts and outcome of […]

Traits of a Leader

Directive Communication Psychology in the Work Place to Enhance the Workforce and Develop Positive Traits in the Employees

Arthur F Carmazzi asked: How did you feel the last time someone blamed you for something that went wrong? Did it actually solve a problem, or just make you resent people and circumstances? When was the last time you blamed someone? Did it really solve the problem? Have you ever really been passionate to achieve […]

Traits of a Leader

Characteristics of a Business Coach

Kris Koonar asked: Everyone at some point or the other needs sage advice. Business leaders are no exception, since they specially need it to ease the life of stress and worry that arises from strategies, profits and important meetings. They usually have difficulty in perceiving simpler solutions to problems. Coaching or mentoring is the most […]

Traits of a Leader

Quotes On Leadership Can Make You Be A Real Leader

Gregory Frost asked: Quotes can be pretty influential on our life. Little did we know that just a few strings of words could really make a difference in our life. There are quotes on friendship, relationship, leadership, success and many others that can be pretty inspiring and impactful on us. But is it true that […]

Traits of a Leader

The Importance Of Being A Leader In Sports

Martin Chase asked: During my NFL career, I learned that leadership is a trait that all athletes have deep inside of them. Unfortunately, I found that most players do not know how to apply their leadership skills. It is the inability to apply leadership that sets the regular NFL players apart from the true greats […]

Traits of a Leader

In Search of the Uncommon Leader

Steve Lover asked: Leadership is a very hot topic today. It always has been and probably always will be. There is for good reason. There are not a lot of Uncommon Leaders around! The question is – why not? And what can we do to develop more Uncommon Leaders? Let’s start be defining what an […]

Traits of a Leader

Becoming a More Masculine Man

Alex Coulson asked: As much as you hear about nonsense – like women want sensitive men the fact is they really want real men. That’s why chicks go for jerks and get their hearts broken, then keep going after the same type. Why? They’re attracted to them. Duh! You don’t see chicks fawning all over […]

Traits of a Leader

What is Charismatic Leadership All About?

Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Alexander the great crossed the unconquerable Alps Mountain along with his soldiers, which until then no one had conquered.  What was it that led their followers to believe in them that they did the unthinkable?  These leaders, charismatic indeed, had won the trust of their followers to such an extent that […]

Traits of a Leader

The Personality Match-up

Bryan Long asked: The Personality Match-Up If your customers are not coming back, where are they going? Everyone sells, whether they are in sales or not. If you have started a business from scratch then you have had to sell yourself enough to your new customers to get them to buy. But did you keep […]

Traits of a Leader

Team Spirit

Prof.M.S.Rao asked: (STRENGTH IN SYNERGY)TEAM SPIRIT BY PROF. M.SRINIVASA RAO Andrew Carnegie said, “Team work is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”. Formation of homogeneous group out of heterogeneous for achieving […]