Women in Leadership

5 Simple Steps to a Super Attitude

Inez Ng asked: />Lately I’ve been on a binge of reading leadership books, and I have just finished “Today Matters” by John C. Maxwell. In the book, he talks about the 12 daily practices that anyone can adopt to guarantee success, and the very first practice he discusses is choosing the right attitude daily. If […]


Key To Success: Guilt By Association & Wealth By It Too!

Rasheed Ali asked: />”Tell me what company thou keepst, and I’ll tell thee what thou art.” – Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616) Spanish novelist. Growing up I often heard my best friend’s father Nick say something that I would later realize was a key to success. He said, “Show me who your friends are […]

Non Standard Leadership Techniques

Creative Destruction and More Economic Nonsense

John Kozy asked: My opinion of classical economics and economists turned sour shortly after I enrolled in my first economics course as a college sophomore. I was not a wet behind the ears recent high school graduate, having recently been discharged from the army after service during the Korean War. People holding positions of authority […]

Problem Solving

Democracy in India

Dalip Singh Wasan asked: Articles for global circulation. Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate, 101-C Vikas Colony, Patiala-147003 India. Democracy in India. Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate, Formerly Employment Officer P.E.S. ll E.Mail. dalipsinghwassan @ Yahoo Co. In. It is on record that we had been under rajas, maharajas, monarchs and then under the imperialists and we took […]

Feedback and Rewards

Decision Making: Identifies Issues, Problems, and Opportunities asked: Recognizes issues, problems, or opportunities and determines whether action is needed. What sparks the decision-making process? In some cases it’s a request, such as when your leader asks you to choose equipment to purchase, reduce costs, or delegate work. In other cases you might be aware of an issue that needs to be […]

Non Standard Leadership Techniques

How To Increase Creativity

Steve Gillman asked: To increase creativity, you need to do two things. First, you need to encourage it. Second, you need to train your brain. Start on both of these right now, and you can experience greater creativity today. Encourage creativity and you’ll increase creativity. This is true of most things you want to see […]


The Biggest Mistake Managers Make When Leading Virtual Teams

Jennifer Selby Long asked: Copyright (c) 2008 Jennifer Selby Long Virtual teaming has been on radar screen a lot lately. It was a hot topic at a recent management consulting conference I attended, and it popped up in the Wall Street Journal a few weeks later. I’m feeling a little like an avatar myself these […]

Transformational Leadership

Motivation in 5 Easy Steps!

Marcia Granger asked: To put things into context, the easiest would be to answer the question:  what is leadership?  In its most general sense, Leadership is as a process whereby one individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. To be an effective leader, the individual (manager, professional, entrepreneur)  must influence his […]


Overcoming the Fear of Writing

Noam Mankowitz asked: Overcoming the Fear of Writing And turning the dream into a reality. “I always knew that there will come a day when I will choose to walk this certain road. But yesterday I did not know that day is today”. Nagrag’una Each one of us has some kind of dream, even us […]

Problem Solving

Customer Relationship Management Leader Larry Caretsky Profiled

Thomas Cutler asked: For the past ten years the role of maximizing lifetime value of customers has dramatically changed with the implementation and utilization of CRM. Generic CRM solutions have failed, and core issues of leveraging technology to improve internal processes and ultimately the bottom line, are still at the forefront of the CRM efficacy […]