Francis Githinji asked: Have you tried the non verbal way of flirting and you have failed miserably. When you tried to use your eyes to communicate the other person was completely clueless, you used your body, the sitting position, the touching, the smiling, anything you could think of but you still got only a hello […]
Category: Communicating as a Leader
Sharron Nixon asked: ally, you can’t expect happily ever after to be brought to you via a magic wand. But having the perfect relationship doesn’t mean you have to take a leaf out of the drab, dull and boring book. A happy and long term relationship can be very attainable, lasting well past the over-glorified […]
Peter Murphy asked: Having good interpersonal communication skill is a combination of being able to say what you mean clearly and concisely, and being able to take on board opinions of others and adapt what you say accordingly, as well as making them feel they can speak freely. To do that, you have got to […]
Leon Edward asked: When you have goals for your business, you expect your employees to work toward those goals. However, more often what is occurring is that work time is becoming a social hour. When you look around and see employees hanging around chatting and not getting their work done, it can be extremely frustrating. […]
Jane Treber Macken asked: In the workplace, you see very smart people who never actually “make it” in supervision or management. Often, the reason is that even with all their knowledge, they cannot relate to other people, including motivating others and getting them on their side. They do not possess the sense of community, the […]
Bob Calkin asked: I have found in my work that the majority of knowledge workers are not achieving high performance largely because of low level of what we call awareness and communication capacities. I want to now share some data that we collected in relation to a work force carrying out Level 1 Knowledge work. […]
Eileen Silva asked: On his left was another legend of MLM— heir to one of the largest MLM fortunes to ever be amassed and owner of the company that was, arguably, the most charismatic and wealthy meteoric-rise-to-riches ever to hit our industry. My husband, Taylor Hegan, and I, who have made in excess of three […]
Why Leaders Fail
Rebecca Osborn asked: In the recent past, the world has witnessed the fall of great leaders in religion, politics, business and sports. One day they are admired and supported and the next day they are ridiculed and abandoned. Of course you as a leader would like to think that that would never happen to you, […]
Deepa Prem asked: AUTISM Autism starts before a child turns to three years. It is a disorder in the brain development which weakens the social interaction and communication. Autism causes restricted and repetitive behavior. Autism is a hereditary disorder even though the genetics of autism are complex and it is unclear which genes are responsible. […]
A Successful Community
Samuel Bryant asked: A successful community is where everyone has the opportunity to be understood and everyone is protected from crime. There needs to be leaders that are honest in what they say and do. The leaders of a successful community must not be in denial of the truth and they must never turn themselves […]