Communicating as a Leader

Identifications of Autism

Groshan Fabiola asked: To children with autism difficulties or delays appear.These are reported by parents before the child is two years of age. If the child is not four years of age or older the diagnosis cannot be made. The improvement outcome for children with autism is the placement in early intervention programmes before four […]

Communicating as a Leader

Qualities of Resourceful Leaders

Andrew Cox asked: ul leaders get more done with available resources than less resourceful managers. It results in outcomes that far exceed expectations. It’s critical for organizations challenged by competition, technology, suppliers, customers and the economy. The ability of an organization to leverage their resources to provide excellent service, to meet and exceed commitments and […]

Communicating as a Leader

Why Leaders Grow Employee Engagement Cultures.and How!

Timothy Wright asked: A quick-fix from some new management fad does not ensure employee engagement. True employee engagement comes from the organization’s culture. Culture stimulates employees to invest and involve in the work they do, how they do it, and why they do it for this company. Organizational culture is the personality of an organization. […]

Communicating as a Leader

What Steps To Take With Your Online Community

Ron Subs asked: If you are looking to build an online community, this is a pretty simple process. You have to simply identify your niche audience and then develop a community around their interests and conversational needs. This article will give a quick overview on some of the ways that people have worked to build […]

Communicating as a Leader

Communication Skills for Managers

sheila Mulrennan asked: Performance appraisal is probably the most misused and abused management tool in history. When asked, the majority of human resource managers will swear blind that it is their most important device for reviewing members of the team. The reality is that, on the whole, managers, supervisors, and employees hate the thoughts of […]

Communicating as a Leader

Leaders Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Brian Toppin asked: Public speaking is, and has been, listed as the number one fear for many years. And while most survey results come from North America, I firmly believe it is a worldwide phenomenon. The anxiety, tension, and sweating that build up before someone speaks is palpable, and if that energy isn’t channeled properly […]

Communicating as a Leader

Leadership Skills: How to Be a Successful Communicator

Jacqueline Moore asked: As a business leader, one of the most important leadership skills you’ll ever demonstrate is knowing how to communicate. When you think about it, most business leadership consists of communication of one sort or another. You hold meetings with staff or board members or suppliers, you interview potential managers, you meet customers […]

Communicating as a Leader

Union Leader and Civil Rights Activist Jesse Epps Endorses Daniel Imperato for President in 2008

I1connect asked: Epps is formerly educated in labor relations at Syracuse, Rutgers, and Cornell Universities and has spent the last 40 years fighting for and defending the rights and conditions of all working men and women. Jesse began his professional labor experience working for the International Union of Electrical Workers at Local 320 in Syracuse, […]

Communicating as a Leader

Success in the Workplace: Your Interests, Personality, and Communication Style Do Matter

Kelli Smith asked: The key to finding a successful career is to begin your search in a field about which you are passionate. In order to pursue your true aspirations, it is imperative that you know what type of work suits you best and where your true interests lie. Matters that you feel most passionate […]

Communicating as a Leader

How Leaders Create the Energy Essential to Success

Andrew Cox asked: Leaders know high energy individuals, workgroups and organizations create success. How to create and sustain that high energy is the key challenge leaders face every day. The following behaviors and beliefs are keys that leaders we have worked with have found work to achieve consistent high energy with their people. Leaders start […]