Communicating as a Leader

Are you Communicating Effectively?

Adam Khoo asked: Success in life usually means being successful with people. Rarely do you see someone ever make it to the top alone. And being successful with people is all about communication. Whenever we communicate with someone, do we always get the response we want? In our attempts to motivate our staff, do they […]

Communicating as a Leader

Reading Body Language For Your Success

Ronald Yip asked: In any face to face communication, the conveyor talks or writes while the recipient listens to or read the message. However, what they didn’t know is that actual verbal communication accounts to only around 10% (or even less) of the overall means of conveying a message. However, there is another form of […]

Communicating as a Leader

Identifications of Autism

Groshan Fabiola asked: To children with autism difficulties or delays appear.These are reported by parents before the child is two years of age. If the child is not four years of age or older the diagnosis cannot be made. The improvement outcome for children with autism is the placement in early intervention programmes before four […]

Communicating as a Leader

Body Language – How To Know What They're Really Saying

Clare Evans asked: When we communicate with someone we will be doing so on a number of levels, not just the words that we use – tone of voice and body language are also important factors in non-verbal communication. Eye contact – is one of the most powerful means of communication after words. It can […]