Communicating as a Leader

Leaders Establish Corporate Culture

Ed Horrell asked: What leaders of corporations and organizations say about others can play a powerful role in the culture that their company adopts. In addition to actions, policies, and communications, companies reflect what their leaders say. This can be revealing. Take Donald Trump, for example. From all appearances, Trump seems to run a successful […]

Communicating as a Leader

Giving Tomorrow's Business Leaders a Heart

Donna Perry asked: A new fundraising program in Australia has also paved the way for creating more socially conscious leaders for tomorrow. School Social Clubs is the brainchild of mum of three, Donna Perry who says “The idea for our program grew as a result of my frustration as a parent of school aged children […]

Communicating as a Leader

The Effective Communication Principle

Jonathon Hardcastle asked: According to Peter Drucker in his article “The Transnational Economy” written back in 1987, “To maintain a leadership position in any one developed country, a business-whether large or small-increasingly has to attain and hold leadership positions in all developed markets worldwide. It has to be able to do research, to design, to […]

Communicating as a Leader

The Unlimited Power Of Communication Skills

Abhishek Agarwal asked: Good communication is important in every area of your life. Misunderstandings are only a result of poor communication, and can often cause people hurt and misery. In today’s fast paced world, nobody has the time to listen to explanation, and a misunderstanding can mean a ruin of reputation. Imagine it could even […]

Communicating as a Leader

Wake Up Your Audience

Terry Gault asked: Why do you make presentations? Is it your idea? An assignment? A necessity? Part of your job? Of course there must be a reason for each presentation: to sell…to educate…to motivate. But to what kind of audience? To your boss? To an audience of a thousand people? Or maybe to one very […]

Communicating as a Leader

Discovering the Characteristics of Autism

Jon Arnold asked: The research and data compiled by leading institutions have shown that autism, or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) affects approximately 1 in 165 children in America. Based on those numbers, that would indicate that an alarming 1.5 million Americans have autism to various degrees. It should be noted that many of these cases […]

Communicating as a Leader

Find the Leader Within

Jacob Curties asked: The reason why you are reading this article is that you have the motivation to be a leader. Hence, you are already in the making. The search to become a leader would have given you ways, steps, essentials, etc. to become a leader and few close enough, might have given you idea […]

Communicating as a Leader

The Leaders Speech

sheila Mulrennan asked: True leadership, is the ability to move people to change. The ability to lead comes from within and great leaders, those with whom people connect with on an emotional level and who can inspire change, emerge only after experiencing things as they are in the real world. That is why great world […]

Communicating as a Leader

Neuro-linguistic Programming (nlp) – Change Your World! Self-help for Fibromyalgia & Other Chronic Pain Sufferers

Erica Thompson asked: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) may help Fibromyalgia symptoms. It is a self-help approach that assists patients in understanding the way we think and feel. It is said that NLP can be a helpful fibromyalgia treatment by helping the sufferer find freedom from underlying emotional issues that contribute to chronic pain and other symptoms.  […]

Communicating as a Leader

Got Communication?

The Amsterdam Red-light District asked: Do you know what “communication” really means to you, personally? Does it mean the same to you as it does to your friends, family, and co-workers? Most people think they understand communication, but even a dictionary describes only a sadly pale representation of the potential reality. Definitions do usually include […]