Ellen Dotts asked: Pick up any business publication these days, and you’ll find an article on Coaching, whether it be working with individuals to find more balance or meaning in their lives, to helping others identify a new career they are more passionate about. While these are certainly positive objectives of coaching, we at Incite […]
Category: Communicating as a Leader
Your Essential Energy
Gary Le Mon asked: News Flash: Your prospects are more interested in the messenger than the message. It’s you they want to get to know more than anything. The product you’re pitching is far less interesting than who you are, how you think, the understanding you bring to the table, and the personality you offer […]
Rauf Yusope asked: You can get really fascinated watching these well known leaders leading from the front. The great presence they created. It is just that fascinating. There are so many things you can learn and gain just by watching them in action. “What makes an inspiring leader?”, I once asked myself. After years of […]
Wowgao asked: Learn How Microsoft Is Balancing Information Communication Technology at the 2008 Government Technologies Conference and Expo March 25, 2008 – Toronto, Canada – John Weigelt, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Canada, will be keynoting at the 2008 Government and Health Technologies Conference and Expo, taking place April 15 -16, 2008 at the Design Exchange […]
Effective Communication
Lou Clark asked: The bare knuckled fight for the democratic nominee has me hooked! Not only am I fascinated by the race but I am also floored by the poor level of communication displayed by some of the candidates’ communication staff. With a mixture of um’s, err’s, mumbled words, poor eye contact and closed body […]
Timothy Wright asked: Just about every employee opinion survey, measurement of employee engagement or motivation, and 360-evaluation brings up the importance of managers’ communication with their people. Staff members who give their managers high scores in communications typically show higher levels of motivation, stronger engagement, better performance. Those who score lower in any of those […]
Gail Solish asked: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” ~ Stephen Covey Communication is the core of business and interpersonal relationships. Most people want positive interactions with others whether in business or their personal life. Some times the things you say or do contribute to the conversation going awry and lead to negative […]
Don Alexander asked: When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don’t seem to be happening the way they are supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain uncompleted? Then maybe its time for […]
Don L. Price asked: Unquestionably when the word hypnosis pops-up in a conversation or in the mainstream press, nostrils flair, minds conjure up strong reactions of parlor tricks and pictures of late night scary movies where starry-eyed maidens are seduced to carry out satanic acts. Here we are, in modern times, where we have set […]
Audrey Okaneko asked: Network marketing is all about creating sales. You’ll create personal sales retailing the company products to individual customers and you’ll create team sales by building a team and supporting their sales efforts.  In order to lead a team, you’ll need to develop and learn some leadership skills.  Leadership is learned. […]