Communicating as a Leader

Leadership Development Across Different Cultures

10x Marketing asked: Leadership Development Across Cultures Everyday, more and more leaders around the world are working with people from countries other than their native country. Federal Express, UPS, Dell, GE, Delta Airlines, HP, IBM, American Express, Motorola, GM, Ford, Microsoft, Google are just a few companies in the United States who work with employees, […]

Communicating as a Leader

Voice or Non-voice, the Choice is Yours asked: Voice vs. Non Voice Jobs Dr. Sarika Kulkarni, author of the book titled Business Process Outsourcing explains the difference, “Voice jobs are those in call centers where people answer calls or make marketing or service information related calls. Non voice jobs involve table jobs such as transcription, insurance, finance.” o Call center jobs […]

Communicating as a Leader

ø Two Ways you Can Communicate More Powerfully ø

Kris Hughes asked: People are more likely to trust your body language and actions than what you say. This isn’t a typical “have open body language, ask open ended questions” type of article. This article includes two major processes that most of us overlook or only notice in others. We read and judge people on […]

Communicating as a Leader

Michael Gibson and Christina Kendall Gibson Appointed as Heads of Community Strategies

Paul Davis asked: Prior to be appointed as the heads of Community Strategies, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gibson was Executive Vice President of Operations, at the Direct Impact Company where they were employed for ten years. In this role, the Gibsons spearheaded the successful application of the company’s capabilities in direct education, public relations, advertising, […]

Communicating as a Leader

Boost your Credibility as a Leader

Jack Pyle asked: No leadership skill is more important than the ability to be convincing and persuasive – to speak with confidence and competence. The same statement could be made for all professionals, but it is especially true for managers. You must be able to be persuasive and credible if you are to convince others […]

Communicating as a Leader

Are you Communicating Effectively?

Adam Khoo asked: Success in life usually means being successful with people. Rarely do you see someone ever make it to the top alone. And being successful with people is all about communication. Whenever we communicate with someone, do we always get the response we want? In our attempts to motivate our staff, do they […]

Communicating as a Leader

Improve Employee Performance by Letting Aspiring Leaders Take Charge

Barbara Brown, PhD asked: If you have an employee who wants to “take the lead” on every assignment, let him or her lead; even in a small way. Why? Because the more you allow employees to perform tasks they like, the more likely they are to do a good job on that particular task and […]

Communicating as a Leader

Barack Obama's Connections to Socialism, Communism and Racial Divisiveness

Dee Gerrish asked: There’s no need for a long introduction…this article will “speak” for itself. The following is a list of Barack Obama’s connections to socialism, communism, Marxism, racial divisiveness, and political corruption. If you can ignore this and still support the man who refuses to disclose much of his past, then you should not […]

Communicating as a Leader

A Leader Communicates Effectively: Learn To Listen!

Louis Bonaventura asked: There is more to effective communications than just being able to express yourself verbally. You must be willing and able to listen to others! Learning to listen is more than half the battle. Listening is the way you learn what is going on and how it affects people. Usually, when there is […]

Communicating as a Leader

Top 7 Reasons Why Women Business Leaders Are Needed

Roxanne Batson asked: Business is business? That’s what they say…but business is being done a new way. Massive technological connectivity and access to tidal waves of information is causing a shift in society, workers attitudes and how business is done. Rapid changes in technology are causing disruption in the way corporations do business. Communication is […]