Steve Patzkowski asked: Fund Managers, Brokers, Investment Advisors and high net-worth investors looking for alternatives to the stock market and real estate to grow your portfolios may want to take a look at the Forex Market. The Forex Market, also know as the Foreign Exchange or The Foreign Currency Market is a global electronic market […]
Author: Free Leadership Tutorials
Arthur F Carmazzi asked: In the changing face of business with mixed cultures, mass communication and social networks… …will your current leadership skills be enough to still be effective? In a world where information travels faster than ever, the expectations of work and leaders have changed significantly in just a few years, and with those […]
Ann Golden Egle asked: As a leader, you have a vision and expectation of how well a task can be performed and your staff frequently falls below that level because you believe that YOU are the one who can do it best. Not so. As their leader and using motivational skills, you can raise their […]
Ebohr Munoz asked: In difficult times the resilience of your relationship really depends on how well it has been nurtured on a day-to-day basis. Building a positive “relationship bank balance†lowers the risk of conflict flare-ups. Loose Change and that Lovin’ Feeling Scientists conduct strange experiments. Spare change was left in a phone booth along […]
Messianic Community
ajay asked: Unlike most religious expressions, Messianic Judaism cannot be traced to any other person except Yeshua. When more and more gentiles became Believers and with the destruction of Jerusalem, the Church became decreasingly Jewish and increasingly Gentile. There has been a small amount of Jews who have believed in Yeshua, but due to pressure […]
John Halderman asked: What is one of the most complex things you have learned in life that you actually did very easily? The language of your family. You grew up immersed in it, as everyone around you was speaking it; you automatically learned it by copying them. The fact that your specific language characteristics will […]
Dr Robin Rushlo asked: Copyright (c) 2008 Robin Rushlo When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don’t seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just […]
Julian Campbell asked: “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of beingâ€Â       Goethe It is important to understand that you can’t motivate anybody except yourself. Motivation comes from within a person, so all you can do is provide the right environment […]
Leadership And Management
Benedict Smythe asked: Some of the more traditional concepts of leadership and management have now evolved to encompass factors that years ago would have been unthinkable. Executive management, in particular, involves good leadership style. Years ago, leadership might have been thought to involve nothing more than being the most visible and the most powerful. The […]
The Personality Match-up
Bryan Long asked: The Personality Match-Up If your customers are not coming back, where are they going? Everyone sells, whether they are in sales or not. If you have started a business from scratch then you have had to sell yourself enough to your new customers to get them to buy. But did you keep […]