Defining Leadership

Anioma: the Need for Identity and Leadership

Emeka Esogbue asked: That the Anioma people have not woken up from slumber is emphatically a fact that will remain a burden ever to ever slow down the slow pace of the people until the people decide to rouse, seek and discover the solutions to their own problems. Major catalysts to the realization of this […]

Communicating as a Leader

Becoming Friends With The Astral Plane!

Abhishek Agarwal asked: The Astral Plane is an amazing and exciting world. Whenever we Astral Project, our consciousness gets tuned into the Astral plane. We find ourselves in a totally different environment that has got a science of its own. The Astral Plane is a different world altogether, and it does take some time to […]

Communicating as a Leader

Community Consciousness

Ernie Fitzpatrick asked: It’s possible to have both competition and community. But I admit that it is difficult in America. Anyone who follows baseball just a little has heard of George Steinbrenner, owner of the New York Yankees who proclaimed, “I want this team to win. I am obsessed with winning, with discipline, with achieving. […]