Dr. Mario Barrett, Ph.D. asked: You know, even though I studied leadership development for over a decade, I never made the connection between love and leadership in the organizational setting. I mean, I knew what both terms meant in an intellectual sense. I even knew how leadership presented itself in a practical sense. But, this […]
Category: Leadership Styles
Terence R Traut asked: At the age of 36, Michael Abrashoff was selected to become Commander of the USS Benfold — at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him were staggering: Exceptionally low morale with unacceptably high turnover. Few thought that this ship could improve. […]
Mark Shead asked: Many people assume that if someone is successful it is because they have good leadership skills. Some people assume that if a business is successful it is because it has good leaders. Leadership isn’t something that is particularly easy to pass on to other people. Sometimes a company is successful because a […]
Naz Daud asked: Business management combines an interesting mix of theory and practice, and it is a particularly good topic for management and entrepreneurial types to study. Finding a business management style that suits your personality and the nature of your business is both important and worthy of time investment, as being self-aware and being […]
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Leadership style is an approach of giving direction, motivating people and implementing plans. As there are many leaders, there are different leadership styles. A good leader uses the right leadership style according to the situation. Whatever may be the situation, bad leaders tend to use only one style. Following are the […]
What is Leadership?
anwarparves asked: Many definitions of leadership involve an element of Goal management|vision — except in cases of involuntary leadership and often in cases of traditional leadership. A vision provides direction to the influence process. A leader or group of leaders can have one or more visions of the future to aid them to move a […]
Olivia Hunt asked: Many companies measure their research and development performance, associated with their business strategy process. The companies might vary their strategic business procedures, since they select most suitable alternatives and solutions to solve problems. As a result, there will be certain measurement criteria for the company performance, which relay and reflect the most […]
Ira Wolfe asked: (c) 2008 Success Performance Solutions Within minutes after the unexpected death of Tim Russert was announced, the story took on a complete life of its own. While at first I admit I was just curious to find out what happened, I was soon humbled by the sudden outpouring of shock and the […]
Greg Taucher & Stacey Prenner asked: In 1999, Peter F. Drucker wrote a “classic” piece for Harvard Business Review entitled, Managing Oneself … his thesis being that in the emerging knowledge economy, success comes to those who know their strengths, their values and under what circumstances they best perform. In today’s era of convergence and […]
Michael Grose asked: As an avid football supporter I have been intrigued by the recent debacle with a local football team that saw two players suspended by the club until the end of the season. The two players were involved in a car accident following a drinking bout. They then lied about the nature of […]