Conflict Resolution

Professional Personal Development – What is it?

Robin Chandler asked: We think the term ‘training’ is too restrictive, and we only use it because that is the context within which many organisations can understand what we do. But whether you call it people skills training, interpersonal skills training, soft skills training or professional personal development, what we’re talking about is people changing […]

Communicating as a Leader

Find the Leader Within

Jacob Curties asked: The reason why you are reading this article is that you have the motivation to be a leader. Hence, you are already in the making. The search to become a leader would have given you ways, steps, essentials, etc. to become a leader and few close enough, might have given you idea […]

Feedback and Rewards

Teaming With Success

Craig Harrison asked: We’re surrounded by examples of great, and not-so-great, teamwork. Recently I flew to Los Angeles, visited relatives, took in a parade with floats, bands and street performers, saw a football game and attended an opera. Countless teams made it all possible, whether on stage or back stage, seen or unseen. You too […]

Leadership Mistakes

Why Most Leadership Training Is A Waste Of Money And What You Can Do About It.

Wally Bock asked: A group of senior executives are finishing up a three-day program at a top leadership training center. They’ve already filled out evaluations of the courses they took and the instructors. Now they’re grading the facilities and meals. Soon they’ll be heading back home to see what work has piled up while they […]

Leadership Mistakes

Integrity First : Living the Honor Code in Business

Waldo Waldman asked: Integrity First. It’s core value #1 of the U.S. Air Force… embraced by our leadership, taught in our training programs, and a symbol of the commitment and character of the men and women serving our country. I learned a valuable lesson about the true meaning of integrity after only serving several years […]

Feedback and Rewards

Why to Hire Motivational Speaker?

ibrahim asked: One of the chief objectives in hiring a motivational or keynote speaker is for his or her capability to put the flash back into a dreary business team. A business team or work employees might, after a period of time cultivate apathetic or be unable to find the momentum for their own objectives. […]


Open Houses Will not Get you Homes, But a Real Estate Team Will!

Joe Lane asked: A Real Estate Team is a strong believer in making a property to the fullest extent of a capabilities. There has always been discussion on the merits of Open Houses. While some real estate professionals believe that Open Houses are a necessity, they are not always quick to point out the many […]


My View – Leading by Team Management Approach

Herry Hendarto PMP asked: My View Leading by Team Management Approach As I am writing a course module on project management leadership for the project management online courses recently, I retrieved one of the viewgraphs I used to present in a seminar back in 2003 and as I read along I found how these points […]

Communicating as a Leader

The Leaders Speech

sheila Mulrennan asked: True leadership, is the ability to move people to change. The ability to lead comes from within and great leaders, those with whom people connect with on an emotional level and who can inspire change, emerge only after experiencing things as they are in the real world. That is why great world […]

Managing Performance / Setting Goals

How Management Training Can Help Your Business

Shaun Parker asked: Management training is a very useful way of improving the levels of management skills in a business. Training can have a massive affect on the motivation of staff and ultimately the success of a business. Many businesses that grow rapidly find that staff become responsible for different types of jobs in the […]