
Smart Work Flow Powered by Delegated Administration

AXIGEN Team asked: The article outlines the benefits of using a mail server with delegated administration features for ISPs and large companies. Such features allow the prevention of human errors, a faster update time and a better management of available hardware resources. As centralization and information gathering techniques gain more and more popularity among medium […]

Feedback and Rewards

Effective Team Building Towards Qualitative Workplace

Qurratulain Akhtar asked: Quality of a product or service is directly proportional to the quality of resources used. When it comes to discuss human resources, it becomes more crucial, as efficient human resources can make better use of other resources, i.e. economic and financial etc. Having qualitative human resources in your organization, however, demands a […]

Transformational Leadership

Smart Work Flow Powered by Delegated Administration

AXIGEN Team asked: The article outlines the benefits of using a mail server with delegated administration features for ISPs and large companies. Such features allow the prevention of human errors, a faster update time and a better management of available hardware resources. As centralization and information gathering techniques gain more and more popularity among medium […]

Communicating as a Leader

Characteristics of a Successful Leader

Shu Wei Wong asked: As a leader, how should you answer when your subordinate questions you – Why should I be lead by you? The reason some lead, while others are being led, is because leaders bear certain characteristics that make subordinates want to be led. Leaders create opportunities to learn. A leader creates opportunities […]