Conflict Resolution

Christian Coaching – Biblical Conflict Resolution

Michael Young asked: Problems happens. It starts with the conflict of pulling the covers off and stepping out of bed. So far so good. You bath, shave, get to work, then something happens. (You knew it would, right?) Trouble can come from every direction. A delayed product shipment causes a customer to miss a deadline. […]


Build Sales Teams

Jessica Reinstein asked: For many organizations, there is a wide gulf between sales leads and sales generation. While it is not possible to convert every lead into a sale, the onus always remains on narrowing the gulf to minimum. Therein lies the necessity to build sales team resilient enough to achieve desired objective. Companies live […]

Traits of a Leader

Myth of the Sales Personality

Steve Chriest asked: The so-called “sales personality” is a myth.  Belief in this myth may be as responsible for bad hiring and disastrous promotions by employers, and poor performance by salespeople and sales managers, as anything else in the sales talent management equation.  When managers want to hire sales superstars, they tend to hire people […]