Leadership Mistakes

Leadership Excellence: Retaining the Best People Requires a Foundation of Trust

Jay Gordon Cone asked: We accept that trust is a key enabler of efficient and productive working relationships. We’re less sure about what it means to say we trust someone and even more perplexed by what it takes to engender trust. Let’s call the moment of trust that point in time when you have to […]

Feedback and Rewards

Employee Development – Building Employee Morale and Enhanced Value to the Organization

Christine Casey Cooper asked: Employee development is an essential element of company growth. If a company wants to attract and retain the best people, it needs to invest in employee growth and development. New employees will find it rewarding to learn new things and take on better and better challenges. Progress is a result of […]

Defining Leadership

Six Sigma Breeds Effective Leadership

Peter Peterka asked: Introduction You browse through a handful of Six Sigma books hoping to find a definition for leadership. Chances are you’d be hard pressed to find one unifying definition. Instead, you’ll get a garden variety of definitions that will help you zero in on the true essence of leadership. Given evolving business and […]