Problem Solving

A Successful Recipe For Accountability In Your Small Business

Alicia Fruin asked: Accountability is a buzzword in the business world right now. Unfortunately, most of us have negative understanding of the word. We often use the word as if it means blame and punishment. Therefore, we attempt to avoid it. The truth is that accountability is unavoidable. In the workplace, intrinsically everyone is accountable […]

Transformational Leadership

How Transformational Leadership Uplifts the Passion of Its Followers

Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Transformational leadership assumes that people will follow that person who has the ability to inspire and motivate them. A person that has the passion and vision to excel can do great things. It also assumes that tasks can be accomplished by injecting energy and enthusiasm among the followers. Transformational leadership uplifts […]

Transformational Leadership

Stop the Gossip and Save the Team

Bill Nelson asked: Without doubt one of the single biggest team slayers is ‘gossip’. It is a form of communication that is found in some, if not all situations of a modern society. If allowed to exist, it can stifle and in severe case totally destroy a situation. But why is it so widespread? What […]

Leadership Mistakes

How to Lead not Push: Being a True Leader

Mark Shead asked: A common mistake inexperience leaders make is using authority when it is not needed. If you are the boss people have to do what you say right? So the easy way to get people to do what you want is to just use your authority muscle and show they that you are […]

Problem Solving

A Successful Recipe for Accountability

Alicia Fruin asked: Accountability is a buzzword in the business world right now. Unfortunately, most of us have negative understanding of the word. We often use the word as if it means blame and punishment. Therefore, we often attempt to avoid it. The truth is that accountability is unavoidable. In the workplace, intrinsically everyone is […]