
Here is a Quick Way for New Managers to be Successful by Sharing Information

Andrew Rondeau asked: We can share many different things with others, such as material things, money and time, but one of the easiest and most useful things we can share are thoughts and ideas. New managers have a tendency to hold onto knowledge and information thinking it will make them look good or indispensable. It […]

Feedback and Rewards

Different Ways to Motivate Your Team

Bertil Hjert asked: An enthusiastic team is the backbone of success to any organisation. The biggest challenge is to motivate a team. Unless the team is motivated, you cannot expect success or profits. The team should be constantly forced by the leaders rather then being given autonomy or power to perform its own actions. Remember […]

Leadership Styles

How Loud Are Your Actions Speaking

Kira Wagner asked: The focus for the moment is on leadership style. We’re all leaders in one way or another. The questions are: Do we lead by example, or is it “do as I say not as I do”? Do we realize the effect that our words as well as our actions have on ourselves? […]

Problem Solving

Collective Bargaining Process in India: a Critique

kinshuk jha asked:   COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: CONCEPT AND IMPACT IN INDIA   Collective bargaining has been defined by different experts in different ways. Nevertheless, it is treated as a method by which problem of wages and conditions of employment are resolved peacefully and voluntarily between labour and management. However, the term collective bargaining is opposed […]