Communicating as a Leader

7 Fast Steps to Great Interpersonal Communication

Peter Murphy asked: Interpersonal communication has a lot to do with non-verbal cues as well as what you say. People unconsciously detect a lot of meaning – and sometimes misinterpret it – from body language. Making sure that you are using the right kind of body language can help to prevent an awful lot of […]

Communicating as a Leader

Are Aspergers and High Functioning Autism the Same Thing?

Rachel Evans asked: One of the most common mistakes made about autism is that Asperger’s Syndrome and high functioning autism are the same thing. Many parents struggle with this problem because there is so much information out there that uses the two terms interchangeably. There are many crossover symptoms between Asperger’s Syndrome and high functioning […]

Communicating as a Leader

How to Turn Him on – Simple Yet Effective Tips on How to Turn Him On!

Sarah Nichols asked:   You now he’s attracted to you.   He’s always around; always ready to set his appointments aside to meet up with you; spends at least 2 hours on the phone talking to you; never runs out of things to share with you; and a lot more.   The signs are on […]