Traits of a Leader

Mom Entrepreneurs – How to Lead by Example and Model What You Learn

Kim DeYoung asked: As women we get to know ourselves and grow in our relationship to others. That’s why women tend to lead — not by words alone — but through our example and by modeling what we learn. This is the kind of leadership that’s most impactful because it’s accomplished day in and day […]

Traits of a Leader

Turnkey Internet Business

Leonard Bartholomew asked: One might not link a turnkey internet business with a unique personality, turnkey businesses are commonly referred to “clones”, but the fact is you have to have a specific character to go with any business. Not everyone can be a turnkey internet business owner. But there are some personality traits that are […]

Women in Leadership

Leadership – Being a Leader and Taking Control

Sacha Tarkovsky asked: There are two schools concerning leadership, with age old arguments, with both sides citing history as their proof. One school says leaders are born and the other says leaders are products of the environment. Which school is correct? Does it matter if you find yourself suddenly in a leadership role? Here is […]