Traits of a Leader

Why Dogs Do What They Do: a Quick Study of Normal Dog Behaviors

Sylvia Dickens asked: Dog behaviors can confuse human owners, which makes it that much more difficult to bond with them. Once you gain a better understanding of why dogs do what they do, however, you’ll be one giant step ahead in the bonding and training process. One of the first things to realize is that […]

Communicating as a Leader

3 Ways to Successfully Communicate in a Home-based Business

William Winch asked: In network marketing, it is essential to position yourself as a leader. This means you want people to think of you as someone they can trust and rely on for support, leadership and friendship. You are in the people business. Success depends on your ability to help others achieve their goals and […]

Women in Leadership

Do Nice Guys Finish Last?: How To Attract Women By Being A Stand-up Guy

James Brito, Relationship Expert asked: It’s a common complaint, an annoying situation, even a man’s worst nightmare. You know what I’m talking about: When a girl you like wants to be “just friends.” Aaaaargh! Who wants that? You like this girl, you want intimacy, but all she wants is friendship. How do you turn things […]