Communicating as a Leader

ø Two Ways you Can Communicate More Powerfully ø

Kris Hughes asked: People are more likely to trust your body language and actions than what you say. This isn’t a typical “have open body language, ask open ended questions” type of article. This article includes two major processes that most of us overlook or only notice in others. We read and judge people on […]


Speaking to Motivate and Inspire Audiences

John Bell asked: ARTICLE ONE It can be flattering and exciting to have someone call and ask you to speak at a conference or convention. To get such a call suggests you are considered to be an expert in your particular field. If this were not the case you would not have received the call! […]

Transformational Leadership

Can Short-Term Brand "Candidate Obama" Transform Successfully Into Long-Term Brand "President Obama"?

Dan Herman asked: A spate of recent articles about the Obama brand have, in my view as an expert on marketing, neglected the brand’s strategy and focused its verbal or visual expressions. But far more important is the distinction between the short-term brand, “Candidate Obama,” and the long-term brand, “President Obama.” So far candidate Obama’s […]