Problem Solving

African News: Vilakazi's Clear Cut Vision for Busa

Robert asked:

A clear-cut vision is what defines leaders from others. Jerry Vilakazi became the CEO of BUSA in early 2006 with his own set of visions. He wanted to champion transformation for South Africa’s business landscape. In his beliefs, transformation would bring about many things, including social equality and the implementation of Black Economic Empowerment.

The man is already considered a transformation leader. Holding masters degrees from Thames Valley University, the University of London, and California Coast University, his credits prior to the BUSA appointment also include Managing Director of the Black Management Forum. With knowledge gained in his prior roles, he hopes to unite the business community of South Africa.

Vilakazi has other goals as well. He wants to be a representative of South African businesses in both national and international scopes. He also wants to maximize the strength of the voice for the South African business community. BUSA itself has other aims, such as ensuring that organized business plays a role that is constructive, and to move their own representation of businesses in South Africa from 80% to 100%. BUSA holds a mandate, which is to lobby the government on behalf of the business community in South Africa. They also hope to promote South Africa for investors.

By bringing people together, and by creating rules and regulations that work with the governments and for all businesses alike, Vilakazi and BUSA hope to create and maintain business opportunities in South Africa. They also hope to help the nation grow as a business leader in the eyes of the world at large. With a drive to find solutions for business problems, as well as to create communication among business leaders and governmental associations, BUSA strives to help businesses grow and thrive in South Africa. Through this, they hope to help the nation become a business hub that is competitive internationally.

The biggest challenges include problem solving and communication, which are a main factor for why Vilakazi was brought onto the team. He hopes to use his skills to benefit BUSA, South Africa, and in the world at large. By implementing problem solving strategies and communication goals, he aims to help the overall business industry move forward, including small business owners, large businesses, and the government alike.


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