Micro Management

The Time For Micro-Blogging

Kevin Sinclair asked:

Facebook and Bebo were the social networking sites of 2007. However micro-blogging is what is in store for the year 2008. You may be asking yourself “what is micro-blogging?” And the answer to your question is that micro-blogging is a form of blogging using short texts.

Micro-blogging is the same as sending text messages on your cell phone. However, rather than sending a text message to one person, micro-blogging is used to publish your thoughts and activities to your social network.

A dozen micro-blogging sites have been added as communication tools to the Web 2.0 repertoire over the past few years. As well as texts, you can now use audio and video. This article introduces you to a few of the popular ones.

The leader is Twitter. Once an account has been created, you publish your micro-contents using your web browser, cell phone, or the email client. Interesting people such as artists, athletes, bands, and politicians can be followed whereby you can check out their insights on a regular basis.

The creator of the popular news ranking site digg launched Pownce last year. As well as micro-blogging, Pownce provides functionality for file sharing, events, and links.

The site by the name of Tumblr is very simple to use, whereby photos and videos can be published from your cell phone. Your love and hate will be able to be shared with others, even if you are not wordy.

If talking is what you prefer rather than writing, then use MySay. All you need to do is call the MySay service and leave a message. The people that are in your contact list will then be able to listen to your thoughts using their, computers, emails, or phones.

If you do not like text or audio, then you can use Hictu for the purposes of video micro-blogging. All you need to do is use your webcam to video your actions and publish it in Hictu. It simply takes a click of the mouse.

One interesting angle to micro-blogging is IRateMyDay. Rather than publishing mundane activities of your daily life, you can rate your day on a scale of worst to great. Explanations of your rating can also be given.

Maybe you are emotionally upset. If so, then use EMotionr rather than IRateMyDay. If you are experiencing a happy day in your life, then rate it at the highest possible rating, which is 10.

Once you have rated your day or emotion, then you should head towards Moodmill. This is a site for managing your mood. Share your mood with your friends and contacts by using the mouse to slide the mood indicator.

If you happen to be more comfortable with the French or German language, then you can use Frazr. This has all of the features and functionality of Twitter.

Because of micro blogging’s simplicity, it is sure to explode this year. Twitter will lead the field. Though it can be used effectively on numerous occasions, it can be a great waste of time if you are not careful.


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