Leadership Mistakes

Analysis of Honda’s Leadership Style

Olivia Hunt asked:

Nowadays teams are becoming very important in every company. Team building denotes a process of elaboration and development of a greater sense of collaboration between team members. The organizational culture helps to unite team members. Team building is used in work organizations and is the essential part of a leader’s work. Team building skills are necessary for an exemplary leader, such as Honda. These skills are obligatory for effective work of a company and better understanding of team work can help a leader and an employee become more effective in the corporation. A team building success is when your team is able to do some great project and work more and more effectively. The essential element of team work success is the ability of a team to direct their efforts toward a certain goal of the team.

This article briefly analyzes Soichiro Honda – Japanese industrialist, the founder of Honda Motor Corporation. Research has shown that Honda is an exemplary leader who has built his success on ‘failures’. He believed ‘failures’ are essential for achieving the real success. Persistence is the major characteristic feature of Honda. He had the ability to go through one failure after the other and to stay the same person with the same dreams and aspirations. Soichiro Honda is recognized as one of the most successful mechanical engineering entrepreneurs since Henry Ford. Vision and recognition of an opportunity is the hallmark of Honda and other leaders. Honda had a clear aim – the factor that guided his corporation and brought it success. It was Honda’s leadership and vision that made his corporation successful on a world scale.

The research of the events has shown that Honda was the innovative leader who encouraged a culture of experimentation. He injected enthusiasm and energy into people around him and they helped him to achieve great things. Soichiro Honda was a transformational leader and working for him was a wonderful and uplifting experience. Soichiro Honda was a true leader who had the ability to create a healthy working atmosphere within the team. Honda focused efforts and activities of a team for achieving the desired goal – effective and successful team work. He set clear goals and everyone accepted them. Honda was a good leader who was able to deal with all team work issues. Although the employees called Honda ‘Mr. Thunder’ for his bursts of anger in answer to their mistakes, they loved and respected him.


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