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Keeping Your MLM Team Motivated

Jeff Flow asked:

One motivating another to achieve success is completely a wrong idea. The truth is one can’t motivate a different person. Motivation solely depends on a particular individual. We, along with a large number of trainers, simply waste our time to ‘teach’ motivation to our MLM team! This motivation doesn’t at all put a mark on the trainees unless the Rules of Reality are followed. These rules of MLM motivation are founded on reality.

Inspiration is the key word in MLM motivation

The origin of the word ‘inspire’ is Greek meaning ‘to breathe within’. When you are ‘inspiring’ an individual, you are making him confident, assured of his talents and skills and revitalizing him with fresh energy. Your MLM team does need to see you as a role model, skilled enough to be followed and your ability to lead from the front. It should not be that you don’t follow yourself the things which you prescribe them! Your words must be executed, that too in a ‘big’ way so that it shows your team that you believe in what you say.

Appreciate along with promotion

Appreciating people is an integral part of motivation. It is very important to promote the new team members when they reach a certain level. Along with that never forget to praise a person who has done a superb job….this appreciation boosts up his self-confidence and motivates him to jump into more work enthusiastically. I think appreciation is more important than promotion to motivate a person.

We love to be praised for whatever we do. Keeping this in mind, if you appreciate one because of his efforts, whatever the results may be, you are assuring him of his skills. Recognizing one’s efforts are important in motivation.

Encourage the ones who have been so long ignored

Encouragement is becoming a faded word in today’s world. We don’t generally get any sort of encouragement that will drive us to work more. Utter the words of encouragement to show how much you believe in your team members. Shower them with invigorating phrases to make them understand you have faith in them. Your task of motivating them will be easier.

Fill them with innovative ideas and make them dream of better possibilities

Most of the people are limited in thoughts and ideas. They can’t think beyond a certain limit, they can’t walk the path of unconventional ways; as a result their dreams are always curbed. This evil limitations needs to be thrown out of your team’s mind. Stimulate the team to think big by putting new ideas in them. Some fresh ideas will make them to cross the barrier of limitation.

The deserving candidates should get your personal attention

Attend the deserving persons personally to ask them what they look forward to. Your attention will motivate them to work day and night.

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