Defining Leadership – Why is Leadership so Important?

Why is Leadership so Important?

Leadership development is vital because organizations take on the personality of their leaders. Leadership training and development can maximize productivity, shape a positive culture and promote harmony. To achieve this, key people must lead individuals and teams using an appropriate leadership style.

Leadership skills and how they can help you?

Leadership is never easy. No matter how effortlessly some leaders appear to manage, the path of a leader is one fraught with constant challenge and surprise. However, the leader does not face the challenge alone. By definition, a leader has a group or organization working to meet each challenge and achieve each goal. The leader’s job is not to solve every problem alone, but to inspire those he or she leads to solve the problems.Good leaders recognize that they do not have all the answers and are constantly reeducating themselves on their businesses and sharpening their leadership skills.Beyond personal qualities such as vision and positive thought, a leader must also take careful steps to communicate with his or her staff in the best way possible. Formerly rare processes such as goal-setting, constant feedback, and a system of rewards are now the norm in most workplaces. Some of the most important lessons of this book concentrate on your interactions with your group as a team, but also as individuals.

What Is Leadership?
This section explains the definition of leadership, see the qualities that leaders possess, and discover that leaders are not born, but developed.

The Traits of a Leader
This section explains how to use positive thought and talk to your advantage, develop vision, and build your own confidence.

Leadership Styles
This section explains about several different styles of leadership, the merits and downsides to each, and how to determine which style is right for you.

Communicating as a Leader
This section explains how to communicate as a leader using effective language and nonverbal communication.

Successful Speeches and Presentations
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to construct and deliver a successful speech and presentation. You’ll also learn how to use visual aids to your advantage.

Managing Performance
This section explains how to set goals for your group, how to encourage teamwork, how to manage telecommuters, and how to use feedback and rewards.

Improving Your Team

This section explains how to give your team members more confidence, delegate, and advertise your group, as well as the importance of respecting seniority.

Worst Leadership Mistakes

This section explains about some of the common pitfalls people in a position of leadership fall into and how to avoid them. Although a leader may strive to manage performance, inspire her team, and gain thesupport and trust of that team, things don’t always turn out as planned.
Caution: Don’t overestimate yourself. If you go into a leadership situation thinking you’re prepared for and capable of handling any and every situation, think again. A modest amount of egotism is inherent in any leader, but a true leader also recognizes the fact that she will learn as much from her team as her team will learn from her. If a new leader, you may find yourself in a situation where you are expected to manage a team that has been allowed to become lethargic—in other words, a team that is not used to being led by an effective manager. Or, you may have an ideal team except for one problem employee. One bad apple may not spoil the whole bunch, but can go a long way toward derailing the goals of the whole bunch. Last, the new leader may let his lack of management experience show by over-reacting or letting his team see that they are capable of playing on his weaknesses. Whatever the case, there will be bumps along the road for any manager or leader. Why? Because managing humans is much harder than managing the most sophisticated computers. Humans are complicated, diverse, and imperfect. While those diversities and imperfections are often things to be celebrated, they provide unlimited opportunities for friction.

This section explains some of the most common mistakes made by leaders, new and old, and offers alternatives and solutions to help avoid these situations.

Nonstandard Techniques
This section explains how to encourage and direct creativity, when to use humor, and how to ethically persuade and manipulate your team.

Plain English
Creativity is using your imagination to innovate or create something that is not an imitation of anything else.

Avoiding Micromanagement
This section explains the definition of micromanagement, the characteristics of a micromanager, and how to trust your team and tolerate mistakes.

Transformational Leadership
This section explains about transformational leadership, the qualities of a transformational leader, how to plan for long-term success, and how to achieve some relatively quick successes.

This section explains how to recognize problems early, how to best resolve problems and confrontations, and how to win over a hostile group.

Nurturing and Mentoring
This section explains how to help your staff grow their talent, and how to be a role model and a mentor.

Women in Leadership
This section explains about the special challenges women face in getting to and maintaining leadership positions.

Young or Minority Leaders
This section explains about some special challenges that young and minority leaders face.