Micro Management

Finding your Perfect Mate Through Th Law of Attraction

Beth & Lee McCain asked: Have you wondered where that perfect someone is for you? Have you just been waiting for him or her to enter your life? Well, wait no more. You have all the tools, right now, to find your mate and here are some answers for using the tools that you already […]

Communicating as a Leader

Become a Master Communicator

Ryan Pearson asked: actor for you to have more happiness in your life is to work to improve your communication skills. By improving your communication skills, you will more effectively receive what you want in life. The reason why most people have unsatisfactory results in their life, is because they have poor communication skills. People […]

Women in Leadership

Create Outrageous Success With These 10 Secret Leadership Skills

Joe Farcht asked: What does outrageous success look like to you? It means your wildest dreams coming true doesn’t it? Lots of money, your dream home. Maybe owning an expensive, super-fast car, traveling to exotic places, or getting the absolute best schooling for your kids. And of course, along with all these great possessions and […]

Micro Management

The More Trust, the More Time to Succeed

Andrew Cox asked: en, in his book Managing Management Time, says that the more trust you have with your “universe ” of people, the more time you have to do the things that lead to success. Trust is hard to earn. Once lost it’s hard to regain. It’s the most precious asset in any relationship […]