Conflict Resolution

Parenting a Family in Conflict: the Night a Difficult Teen Saved Her Family From Self Destructing

Wouter van der Hall asked: Her parents were at it again. Her kid brothers had snuck into her room, looking scared. They sat on her bed as the voices below got louder and angrier. She could hear little pieces of sentences they yelled. “You always let her get away with it” “O, if only you […]


How To Prepare For Public Speaking With Brainstorming

Joshua Poon asked: You may not have much time left to prepare for your public speaking. So what are the things you will for your public speech? Here are some pointers that you can use: 1. Brainstorming 2. Short-term goals 3. Long-term goals 4. Evaluation 5. Reflection Start with brainstorming. If you are in the […]


How To Grab Audience Attention

Kevin Sinclair asked: When you are preparing for a speech, the utmost in your mind should be how to grab audience attention. It does not matter whether your speech is to sell an idea, a product or to get people to do something. At the end of it, you need to have convinced them of […]