Axel Meierhoefer asked: read the articles in the papers about the status of our economy? I am not sure that we are really in a recession or even in a depression, as some pessimists seem to indicate. May that be decided by the historians in a few years when all the data is available and […]
Tag: Doing Business
Benjamin Bressington asked: The success of any business is directly affected by the loyalty of its customers. If you run a business, you must make it one of your primary goals to build a relationship with your customers. Creating customer loyalty takes time and effort, but it’s essential to the long-term success of your business […]
Beyond Public Speaking 101
Silvana Clark asked: s to all of us sooner or later. You have been selected to give a speech to the board, a conference or even all your employees. Most managers know the basics of public speaking: don’t jingle coins in your pocket, make eye contact, have a great opening, don’t read your notes…..etc. But […]