
What’s so Powerful About Article Writing?

Janet Simpson asked:

The first thing that is so powerful about article writing is its effectiveness at creating traffic.  When you create a new article and you ensure that it is well written and very informative, it will probably be read by hundreds of people.  These people will click on to your resource box at the bottom of your article and visit your website where you are given the opportunity to create and build a relationship with the new reader.

The second powerful thing about article writing is that it is so easy to generate your articles onto various websites.  The purpose of article directories is to promote your article over other people’s websites.  If you have written a well, informative article, your article will be adopted by other website owners and downloaded onto their respective websites.

Article marketing can dramatically improve your success at reaching the number one spot in the search engines.  We all want to achieve at least the number one spot, and if not, the first 10 spots of the search engines.  What this means is whenever people search for your particular niche or search for your particular keyword, your website or your article should be amongst the first 10 of the search engine results.  When you create articles, achieving this goal is made much easier because the more people that read your articles, the more back links will be created.  And the more back links that are created, the more the search engine will rate or rank your website in the top 10 positions of your niche.

When you write an article, it is very easy to monitor the propagation of that particular article online.  For instance, if you choose a unique title for your article, a title that had not been used by anyone else, create your article and then submit it.  After a week or so, if you type that article within speech marks on to the search engines, you will be able to see how many other websites have downloaded your article onto their site.  If your article is well constructed, your article will be adopted by hundreds, maybe even thousands of other websites. 

 Another powerful thing about article writing is that you can submit your articles to as many article directories as you wish.  I have been known to submit some articles to as many as 80 to a hundred different article directories.  I have done this for the purpose of creating back links, and usually, I achieve my goal.

Another reason why article writing is so powerful is that good articles will result in them being read, clicked on, and readers visiting your website and giving the opportunity to buy your wares.  There are hundreds and thousands, actually probably millions of website owners who have difficulty in getting traffic to their website.  But one of the simplest, easiest and cost-effective methods of generating traffic is to create articles.

I am speaking from personal experience.  So if you are looking for a powerful method to generate traffic and improve your article marketing, then have a look at article writing.  I am sure, once done correctly, you will not be disappointed at the results.  So for me, article writing is very, very powerful. 

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