Non Standard Leadership Techniques

Child Creativity Development and Education Through Play Time

Andrew Chin asked:

We take pride in saying that this article on child creativity development and education is like a jewel of our articles. This article has been accepted by many parents as a most informative article on child creativity.

Here are five play time activities you can use to help your children develop their creative faculties and other senses faster. Many other techniques exist, but the following have been found to be the most effective in several studies. Enjoy!

1. Please Help Me Pack

What are the main benefits for the child

– exercise communication skills

– enrich vocabulary

– practice reaching, thereby strengthening arm muscles

What you need

– a shopping basket or plastic bag

What to do

– This is a fun way to putting away all your children’s toys after playing. Start putting toys and other objects in the bag while announcing

“It is time to pack away all your toys.”

– Then encourage your child to join in and help too.

– While filling up your own bag, name and identify each object that you pick up.

Try this activity when putting items into a laundry basket, or fixing up their toy storage.

2. Dump and Haul

The child begins using pre-verbal gestures to communicate starting ages 10 to 13 months, associates words with objects, enjoys waving goodbye and speaks his first recognizable word. At this stage, they initiate familiar routines and games with parents and adults.

What you will need

– a big pail or basket

– toys that fit into the pail or basket

– 4 feet of cord

What to do

– Tie a piece of cord through the pail handle. Let the child dump small toys into the pail. Then drag the pail across the room as the child holds the cord.

– The child can dump everything into another pail or on the floor again.

– Dump and haul, then dump and haul again.

3. Paper Cup Thrower

Your child is like a little Einstein, trying to discover and explore everything about the world as he can every minute. A child learns to solve problems through trial and error and tries to figure out the cause-and-effect relationships of every object he holds and the actions that are being done.

What are the benefits for the child?

– introduce a cognitive activity that allows the child to explore shapes and spaces

– continue developing cause-and-effect links

What you need

For toddlers, better education is achieved through playing constantly. Children respond well to visual stimuli and have been found to learn quicker and more if information is incoporated into their playtime activities. Children’s creative and development traits are best addressed through the world of play, since they are not yet equipped with enough speech and visual faculties to effectively communicate their feelings and thoughts with adults.

– 10 pieces of paper cups or plastic cups

What to do

– Things fit together! What’s more, the objects look different when they are put together! These are some of the many “great” discoveries of your active child. Let your toddler play with the cups, seeing how they are put together and apart, and then come back together again.

4. Dramatic Play

At age 24 to 35 months, the toddler is able to concentrate on his or her self-selected activities for la onger time. Pretend-play with parents, siblings, and other kids becomes the highlight of his day as he muses on other people’s facial expressions, actions, and gestures, then attempts to copy them.

Pretend-play is very important in the early years. It is also among the big favourites in a child’s play choices. The first interest in pretend play begins as a 10 month old picks up a rattle, places it near his ear, and starts babbling words like an adult would with a cellular phone.

Dramatic play is just one activity that strengthens holistic development. It touches these aspects in a child’s growing years – emotional: playing out scenes with emotional weight, cognitive: learning to use symbols through toys, social: interacting with others children, creating friendships, bonding with family, language: talking to each other, thinking of plans, brand new words, expressions, and physical: using gestures, facial expression, and playing “dress up”.

Since children still lack the capacity to communicate effectively, play is often their way of education. Thus, as parents, we must allocate sufficient time for play, in order for our children to develop creative faculties in the early stges of their life. Since children are not yet equipped with enough speech and visual faculties to communicate heir thoughts and feelings effectively with adults, their development and creative traits are best addressed through the world of play. Children respond well to visual stimuli and have been found to learn a lot better and more if information is added into playtime activities. For toddlers, better education is achieved through constant play time.

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