Non Standard Leadership Techniques

Q&a: Tim Cummins, International Association for Contract & Commercial Management

Jamie Liddell asked: The International Association for Contract & Commercial Management is a non-profit foundation providing research and innovative learning techniques, and working with corporations, public and academic bodies to provide thought-leadership and understanding of ‘best practice’ contracting and relationship standards. SSON spoke with IACCM President and CEO Tim Cummins about how the Association is […]

Communicating as a Leader

Communication Skills For Pharmacist – Reading The Unreadable!

Abhishek Agarwal asked: Most people are alarmed when they hear about communication skills for pharmacists. There is little cause for this alarm, after all everybody needs effective communication to live a successful life. However, thou we all need to communicate to help us with our work, we all do need different skill sets of communication […]

Feedback and Rewards

Build a Team – The Right Team (There is a Difference)

Doug Brown asked: Creating the right team is imperative to your success. A team is comprised of people who can bring necessary skill sets to the venture. A team is different from partners. Partners are financially and legally tied to the venture while team members are brought in to create and continue the process. Team […]

Defining Leadership

Leadership And Management

Benedict Smythe asked: Some of the more traditional concepts of leadership and management have now evolved to encompass factors that years ago would have been unthinkable. Executive management, in particular, involves good leadership style. Years ago, leadership might have been thought to involve nothing more than being the most visible and the most powerful. The […]