
Good Speaker Can be a Good Leader

ibrahim asked: A good and successful speaker must be aware two important things – the content and structure of his speech.  The speech must contain the right and relevant information and presented in a manner that sustains the hearer’s attention. A successful speakeralso knows how much information the audience can absorb in one sitting without […]

Conflict Resolution

Professional Personal Development – What is it?

Robin Chandler asked: We think the term ‘training’ is too restrictive, and we only use it because that is the context within which many organisations can understand what we do. But whether you call it people skills training, interpersonal skills training, soft skills training or professional personal development, what we’re talking about is people changing […]


The Speech Versus the Presentation: Part 3

Nancy Daniels asked: In Part 1 of The Speech Versus The Presentation, I talked about the differences between those two formats whereas in Part 2, I discussed speechwriting and how the format is identical for both.  While there are many similarities in the delivery of both the speech and the presentation, there is one important […]