Andrew Cox asked:
ul leaders get more done with available resources than less resourceful managers. It results in outcomes that far exceed expectations. It’s critical for organizations challenged by competition, technology, suppliers, customers and the economy.
The ability of an organization to leverage their resources to provide excellent service, to meet and exceed commitments and to move forward technologically is a huge competitive advantage.
Some organizations just seem to do a better job than others – one of the main reasons is resourceful leaders – at all levels.
What are the qualities resourceful leaders share – regardless of position within an organization?
We asked our clients – here’s what they identified as eight essentials for resourceful leaders.
1 – The ability to create commitment – to get resources aligned and working toward a common goal – and a goal that is well understood. It’s a “we’re all in this together” approach. It’s identifying and communicating a common cause that is worthy; that all can contribute to; and that results in individual and group recognition.
2 – It’s being open to possibilities – wherever they may come from. It’s taking inventory of what has gone before, rather than reinventing the wheel. NIH – (not invented here) thinking is unacceptable. It’s engaging the people in the process – getting the best thinking and commitment of the internal experts.
3 – It’s knowing success is not measured in energy expended or dollars spent, but in results. Results that come from SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant/Realistic and Time Framed. It’s using goals to create expectations within the organization – from the top to the people who do the work.
4 – It’s having an abundance mentality – the belief that there is plenty for everybody – you just gotta go and find it – and be open to finding it in the most unusual places. It’s having the willingness to share – information, resources, credit, recognition. Collaboration skills and behaviors are essential.
5 – A resourceful leader always starts with the questions: “What do I Have?” and “What can I do with what I have?”
6 – Resourceful leaders know that simpicity is key to effective action and that complexity is the enemy of resourcefulness.
7 – It’s the belief that the impact and contribution of the cumulative knowledge and effort of an effective team will always exceed that of any single person.
8 – Resourceful leaders listen and amend and learn and apply on the fly. They know that plans rarely survive the first contact with action – they value plans as a first step, and as a measure for progress and change.
Resourcefulness is part of the behavior and motivators of leaders; it exists in organizations where it is appreciated and rewarded. It’s not just seen in crisis or projects – it’s an everyday behavior. But it needs to be recognized and rewarded for it to grow. And the most fertile place for resourcefulness to grow is in a results oriented, goal directed environment.
Imagine how much more effective you and your enterprise can be by encouraging the development of these behaviors and beliefs and skills. Start today to develop a more resourcefulness friendly environment – and be amazed at the talent that you already possess.