Defining Leadership

How Can a Vision Turn Your Business to Churn out More Profits and Productivity?

Joel Chue asked:

Only when you have a vision that your team buys into, will you expect results, both tangible and intangible to happen.

A vision provides a sense of direction with regards to where everybody in the organization is headed towards. This brings about a focus because when each and every individual in the organization know exactly what the end result is, they will pull together to achieve it, because having a vision allows them to feel involved in the project, whatever their roles are. They feel purposeful and feel they are contributing to the significance of the whole mission, allowing them to take pride in their work. This can only be good for the organization as a whole.

A vision also keeps the leader motivated and focused and spreads enthusiasm among all who are involved in it. If you, as a leader, put forth a vision that brings synergy and excitement to your organization, everybody involved in it will ride on this wave of momentum to work towards realizing the vision. Through the advent of the vision, you are actually firing up yourself too and keep your spirits high. With the end product in mind, you would be better equipped to follow through on your vision to make it happen!

At this point in time, allow me to put forth a proposition to you. Not only are leaders needed at the head of a multi-national organization, they are needed at every level too. While it may seem a good idea to develop leaders at every level of the department you are in or the organization that you head, it is important to show leadership in your very own mastermind group. While the proposition that a fixed, appointed leader still remains perhaps, but the need to cultivate leadership skills is vital for otherwise you would just be another follower in a group designed to help you and everybody else in it to achieve all your aims. Therefore, bringing these concepts of leadership into your mastermind group, be it whether you are trying to work towards a common goal together or have diverse aims but are masterminding together to help one another, would strengthen the respect and bond that exists among you and your members and allow the group to function more effectively.

Are you new to the term ‘masterminding’? It is a concept that can enrich your professional life regardless of what your goals are or what level you are at?

For those who have a good grasp of the concept of masterminding, start by bringing the concept to your business.

About the Author

Joel Chue and Alex Cheong

Authors of ‘Mastermind Secrets’ Ebook

How Can Ordinary People Leverage a Mastermind Group System to Produce Extraordinary Results Over and Over Again?

A Free 24 page Report Shows You How

Copyrights © 2006

Alex Cheong @

Mastermind Group Hub

The contents of this article may be copied, reproduced, or freely distributed for all nonprofit purposes without the consent of the author as long as the author’s name, copyright notice and contact information are included.


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